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An Activist Law Firm

100,000 Contest

I get about 2,000 visits a day to the Legal Satyricon. At that rate, we’ll break the 100,000 barrier within the next few days.

I know that lots of blawgs get that in a week.

Guys in my high school got 100,000 hits a year all the time, it’s no big deal.

Ergo, I don’t think that we should be sacrificing goats or having parades… but there should be some little bit of fanfare, no? For a blawg that got a whopping 222 hits back when it launched in January of 2007, the LS has come a long way.

To commemorate the 100,000th visit, I am going to give away an award to the person who submits the best image commemorating the event. Use your photoshop skills, drawing skills, bo-staff skills, or whatever skills you want to create an image in .jpg or .gif format.

The winner gets a free copy of America’s War on Sex, by Dr. Marty Klein.

All entries remain the intellectual property of the creator, but by entering the contest you give me an irrevocable and permanent license to use your material and to license it to others for their use, derivative works, or to include in compilations.

If all the entries are lame, I reserve the right to give no award. On the other hand, if there are so many good ones that I can’t decide, I reserve the right to give co-awards.

(Note, the text category was eliminated because of lack of interest)