An Activist Law Firm

2,000th Post

It was January 2007, and I was teaching an entertainment law course at Barry University School of Law. I wanted a way to deliver materials and supplemental reading to my students, without having to make photocopies or maintain an email list.

So I tried out using the wordpress platform. I put up a few posts with materials for my students to review. Nothing all that interesting happened. 200 visitors in January. 129 in February. 478 in March.

Then, I started getting comments from people who were not students. They were asking questions about legal issues. They were suggesting materials and articles. I responded, and April saw 1600 visits. By the end of 2007, the Legal Satyricon had 54,000 visitors. I thought that was pretty cool.

2008 saw 350,000. 2009 had 750,000. 2010 has 480,000 to date. The total is somewhere around 1.7 million.

Pretty cool.

Even cooler, over the years, this has developed into less of an extension of my narcissism, and more of a team effort. There have been a lot of voices on the blog. Some I agree with. Some I don’t. Becoming a Satyriconista has never had any correlation to how much I agree with you. But, those that have lasted have become some of my closest friends and confidants. In a shitty legal economy, three of them got jobs with the Randazza Legal Group as a result.

Two and a half years later, some awards, and some degree of fame… and here is our 2000th post. So what to write about?

I guess I’ll keep it simple and make it an expression of gratitude. DeVoy, Platt, Tatiana, Harbin, Fischer, Papantoniou, Jess, Blevins, Warrington, Bobby, and all the rest of the Satyriconistas… you’ve made the past two and a half years a lot more fun and a lot more edifying.

So thank you.


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