The safety and security of the Commonwealth cannot be achieved apart from reliance upon Almighty God.
Before your “are you shitting me-o-meter” goes to 11, don’t worry. Franklin Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate ruled that the “reliance on Almighty God” part of it violated the Establishment Clauses of both the U.S. and the Kentucky Constitutions.
“The statute pronounces very plainly that current citizens of the Commonwealth cannot be safe, neither now, nor in the future, without the aid of Almighty God. Even assuming that most of this nation’s citizens have historically depended upon God, by choice, for their protection, this does not give the General Assembly the right to force citizens to do so now.” (source)
State Rep. Tom Riner, D-Louisville, a pastor of Christ is King Baptist Church in Louisville, and the piece of white trash who inserted the unconstitutional language into the Kentucky law books was, well, pretty interesting with his reaction.
“They make the argument … that it has to do with a religion,” Riner said, “and promoting a religion. God is not a religion. God is God.” (source)
Of course, just when you thought it was safe to drive south of the Mason-Dixon Line, the Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway is appealing the ruling.