David Carr brings us “Judge Clarifies That Bloggers Can Be Journalists (Just Not One in Particular)” this column on the Crystal Cox “bloggers vs. journalists” story.
The first time this story broke, much of the reporting on it was sloppy. Bloggers and “traditional” journalists alike all latched on to the narrative that Judge Hernandez locked bloggers out of the journalism club (Carr was one of the few who was not fooled). This time around, the blogosphere seems to see this case for what it is: A repudiation of extortion, not of blogging.
Crystal Cox – Investigative Blogger? No, More Like A Scammer and Extortionist
How Crystal Cox Is Helping To Prove The Strength of the First Amendment
Investigative Journalist Crystal Cox Attacks Kevin D. Padrick
Crystal Cox Is Not a Member of the Media
A shield law for bloggers? OK, but not for extortionists.
It seems that with District Court Judge Marco Hernandez’ clarified order, the blogging world sees this case for what it is. Other bloggers’ are coming to the same conclusion that one of Cox’s early allies came to: