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The Financial Post comments on Marc Randazza’s Brief in Paramount v. Axanar Productions

On the heals of the filing of a brief of amicus curiae by Randazza Legal Group managing partner Marc Randazza, The Financial Post published an article discussing the brief. The article, in part, says:

The brief provides numerous examples of the widespread cultural use and academic study of Klingon. The court document is also liberally peppered with Klingon proverbs, words, typeface and attitude. To wit, the society says the film studio may live to regret making a legal claim on the Klingon language: “By opening this door, Plaintiffs will learn ‘rut neH ‘oH vIta’Qo’ Qob law’ yu’ jang.’”

A footnote explains the citation: “This Klingon proverb translates to ‘Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question is an answer.’”

Read the rest of the article here.

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