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ABA Blawg 100 Voting Update

I was perusing the ABA 100 voting, and I see that the front runners are pulling away from the pack. But, there are a couple of blawgs that are still in the running that I personally think deserve a blast of support.

New York Personal Injury Law Blog is written by Eric Turkewitz, one of the Lions in the Blawgers Den, and should have a hell of a lot more support. Click here and please toss a vote to New York Personal Injury Law Blog. Don’t confuse it with that other New York Personal Injury blog.

Then cast your attention to Simple Justice. My only critique of Greenfield is that he cranks out so damn much content, that I have to take breaks from his blog. Click here and toss a vote to Simple Justice.

If you’ve got a vote left over (you can vote for ten), and you haven’t tossed us one yet, click here and vote for the Legal Satyricon. We’re doing well, but the voting goes on til December 31, and the second place guy in our category is not too far behind us.

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