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An Activist Law Firm

Worthley v. City of Gloucester


In this case, Jeff Worthley filed a lawsuit against the School Committee of Gloucester and Superintendent Ben Lummis in Massachusetts Superior Court. However, the case was moved to the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

Sousa adv. Seekonk

Sousa adv. Seekonk

This case involves Luis Sousa, who was issued a permanent no trespass order by the Superintendent, which banned him from attending Seekonk School Committee meetings and entering Seekonk Public Schools property. This order was based on two incidents, one outside a school committee meeting and the other during a school committee meeting where Sousa was accused of violating public participation policies and causing a disturbance.

DePina v. Rachel Rollins, the Boston Police Dep’t, and the Worcester County District Attorney.

Attorney Randazza commenting

In this case, Worcester DAs Office prosecuted DePina for violating G.L. c. 26, § 13B based on DePina heckling Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins during a televised press conference.  The charge alleged that DePina’s heckling incorporated reference to the three criminal cases pending against him that the Suffolk County DA’s Office was prosecuting.  The entire incident was on video.

Berge v. Gloucester School Committee


Berge went to the school superintendent’s office to inquire about tickets to a school play.  He was neither rude nor vulgar and held his camera in plain view, announced he was recording, and announced that he was a “citizen journalist” doing a story on the issue.  (link to video)  Two of the three employees filmed did not wish to be filmed.  However, after a lengthy conversation with an official who appeared to have no objection to being filmed, Berge politely left.