An Activist Law Firm

Andrew McCullough’s Blog

A salute to a fellow First Amendment attorney, Andrew McCullough. I didn’t know that he had a blog until today, so in honor of adding him to my blogroll, I’ll say a few words about him.

Andy is a hell of a nice guy, and a great First Amendment mind. He’s a perennial quixotic libertarian candidate for Utah attorney general, and takes up some very unpopular pro-constitutionalist positions in that state. You can imagine that his libertarian positions on free expression don’t make him very popular there.

On a personal note, I had the pleasure of sitting next to him for a Red Sox game. I don’t think I have ever met a man with a greater reverence for the sport of baseball. So, there’s yet another good thing I can say about him.

I’m trying to think of something bad to say about him… you know, to keep it “fair and balanced.” Well, I’m drawing a blank.

His blog is here. Enjoy!

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