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An Activist Law Firm

Bob Allen Convicted

I guess that the greatest-excuse-ever (“I offered him $20 and oral sex because I am afraid of black men”) didn’t fly with the jury.

However, if the Orlando Sentinel story is correct, there might be some reversible error in this case. Florida state Rep. Bob Allen guilty in bathroom-sex case – Orlando Sentinel.

Bless his heart, Allen says that he is going to run for re-election.

I don’t particularly care about what Bob Allen did. If someone wants to ask someone else if they’d like to have sex with them, even for money, I think that they should have the liberty to do so – as long as they’ll take “no thank you” for an answer. But, when a politician makes a career trumpeting his “pro-family” stance (not to be confused with “wide stance“), and he comes crashing down in a messy-haired mugshot mudslide, I do laugh heartily.

In this recently discovered security photo, a pre-alcoholic Joe Namath ponders his choices. Should he part with his 20 dollars and his oral virginity, or suffer the consequences of enraging the negroid milkman? Decisions, decisions, decisions…