“All black people, leave this blog now.”
No, not really. You can stay. (I want you to stay). But, apparently, that statement makes me guilty of the crimes of “bias” and “intimidation and harassment” in the state
No, not really. You can stay. (I want you to stay). But, apparently, that statement makes me guilty of the crimes of “bias” and “intimidation and harassment” in the state
Cass Sunstein, drunk with his little thimbleful of power he got by being given a job in the Obama administration is really letting his statist colors show through. Sunstein takes
If I were president, hands down, this cat would be my first choice if a Supreme Court seat opened up. I don’t agree with him on all issues (far from
Lisa Linsky takes the piss out of the New York legislature for failing to legalize gay marriage in the Empire State. She does so by speaking frankly, persuasively, and about
Lionel McIntyre, a black Columbia professor, got drunk and pissed off about “white privilege,” and at a white female colleague who didn’t seem to agree with him. So, what did
This is COLUMBUS DAY. I’d like to invite anyone whose name ends with a vowel (Persians excluded) to raise their hands, extend their middle fingers, and flip off the Native
The Moderate Voice has a thoughtful post on why Hate Crime legislation is wrong-headed.
The Free Speech Coalition has filed its long-awaited complaint seeking to have 18 U.S.C. § 2257 declared unconstitutional. The Background – The War on Sex Social conservatives on both the