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An Activist Law Firm

Crazy, meet Racists. Racists, meet Crazy.

Man skipped in line allegedly beats McDonald’s manager with bat |


Come for the workers’ compensation story, stay for the racist commentary.

Seems like some guy has been reading the Consumerist too much and decided that the executive e-mail carpet bomb was insufficient.  So, he registered his complaint with management with a baseball bat.  Legal stuff: while I know MA law better than FL, generally, he can collect workers’ comp, and file a third-party suit against the customer.  Maybe a products liability claim against Louisville Slugger??  Oh, and the comp carrier would have subrogation rights in any third party recovery.  No suit against McDonald’s or the co-worker, due to the century old trade-off.

Anyhow, I thought that would be the end of the story when I read it.  Then, I read the commentary.  Whole lotta racism.

Before it gets removed (parts have been already):


Di. Ver. Si. Ty.

FaceTheFacts420, Yep, it’s all black people. Unless you count the white guy who was caught on video ransacking a business, the white girl who robbed a store to get money for her drug habit, and the pot smoking inbred who spends his days on multiple websites posting “diversity” comments. Get your head out of your azz and get a job.

White men can’t jump. Negros can’t shoot.

Posted by coonhunter at

Got to and see who Mcdonalds is after. The dollar menu was invented for the blacks so they can feed their kids.

When will we stop pretending that these savage pavement apes are HUMANS just like us? Enough to make you want to go all Zimmerman!

Marc, I’m betting you’re glad you left Florida.