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An Activist Law Firm

Cry Me A Fucking River, You Lowlife


It seems that the morale at the TSA is falling, because the poor dipshits in blue polyester don’t like it when we call them nasty names. (source)

I’d say that if morale is crashing at the TSA because the American people are finally waking up and finally refusing to go quietly into the Constitutional limbo that the power hungry hall monitors want them to … well then maybe there is hope for us after all.

If you’re flying, remember to be a douche to the TSA. And remember to do so if you’re not flying too. Don’t give me that “they’re just doing their jobs” bullshit. At some point, you say “no,” I will not. They have a goddamned union. Instead of lobbying their union to try and force us to be nicer to them, they ought to lobby their union to press the Agency to cut the security theater bullshit.