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An Activist Law Firm

I found out why there are so many songs about rainbows!

Horny Leprechaun

If this gives you wood
you might be a high school
principal from the panhandle

In Gillman v. Holmes County School District, a federal judge ruled today that a Florida panhandle school could not suppress student speech that promoted solidarity and support for gay classmates.

“Standing up to my school was really hard to do, but I’m so happy that I did because the First Amendment is a big deal to everyone,” said Heather Gillman, a junior at Ponce de Leon High School and the plaintiff in the case.

The Court issued an order that the school’s censorship must stop, and that the school was forbidden from committing any acts of retaliation. (source)

The case came about after Heather Gillman and other students approached the ACLU about an atmosphere in which students say they were routinely intimidated by school officials for things like writing “gay pride” on their arms and notebooks or wearing rainbow-themed clothing. According to students, problems began in September of 2007 when a lesbian student tried to report to school officials that she was being harassed by other students because she is a lesbian.

During the trial, which was held in Panama City yesterday and today, Ponce de Leon High School’s principal David Davis admitted under oath that he had banned students from wearing any clothing or symbols supporting equal rights for gay people. Davis also testified that he believed rainbows were “sexually suggestive” and would make students unable to study because they’d be picturing gay sex acts in their mind. The principal went on to admit that while censoring rainbows and gay pride messages he allowed students to wear other symbols many find controversial, such as the Confederate flag. (emphasis added)

I can’t believe it… Principal Davis found out! All these years, there have been secret porn messages hidden in rainbows! No WONDER there are so many songs about rainbows! Kermit the Frog is now busted as a homophile promoting the damn homosexual agenda!

Watch this if you dare — it has secret gay sex messages in it. But, if you wear tinfoil on your head while watching, you can keep them from penetrating your skull.


Oh, wow… I did some more research. This whole “rainbows and gay sex” theory totally explains THIS!


You guessed it… the principal is the ass hat of the day. People wonder why Flori-duh can’t seem to run an election, or that every freak in America seems to wind up here.. When our public school principals are this dumb, what hope do the kids have?