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An Activist Law Firm

Don't lie down drunk near your car

by Charles Platt

In West Virginia, you can lose your license for a year even if there’s no proof that you were driving, or there’s a possibility that you might have done all your drinking after driving. Being near your car while drunk is enough.

“The decision came in the case of Eric R. Cain who was found lying passed out on in front of his car on Route 19 by Marion County Sheriff’s Deputy Todd Cole at around 2:30am on June 2, 2007. The car had been safely parked and there was no key in the ignition. Cole arrested Cain for DUI after a breath test estimated Cain’s blood alcohol level at .15. Six days later, the state filed an order revoking Cain’s driver’s license for a full year.”

I wonder how close to your car you have to be, to be found guilty. Six feet? Ten? Twenty?