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An Activist Law Firm

Every Now and Then, Arizona Gets it Right.

Rainbow Flag

This weekend is the Phoenix Pride Festival. It’s true that most Pride celebrations are later in the year; usually June or July. A friend asked me why so early for we here in Arizona. The answer is deceptively simple. Have you BEEN to Phoenix in July?? And yesterday it was hot- over 100 degrees- which is warm even by Arizona standards for this time of year.

That didn’t stop the Mesa Police Department and even a couple of members of the Maricopa County Sherriff’s office from marching in uniform in this year’s Pride Parade. Source.

Mesa Police Chief Frank Milstead’s decision to permit his officers to march in their uniforms was not without controversy. Those opposed to the decision have been trying to paint the issue as a political one; a law enforcement entity should portray absolute objectivity and avoid issues that can give the appearance of bias. Or some other such nonsense. The parade is to celebrate diversity and equality for all, not to push a political agenda. But if it makes those folks feel better, we did have those sign carrying protestors telling us we’re all going to burn in hell. One of them called me a “Gaylord”. I’m still not sure what that is, but I don’t think he meant it as a compliment.

Anyway, bravo, Mesa PD and MCSO. Bravo, indeed.