By Tatiana von Tauber
I’m embarrassed to be an American woman with witness to the current state of the Union.
Being a woman is without a doubt the most difficult process of becoming I’ve ever undertaken especially since I began my role as a mother 14 years ago. Nothing prepares you for the experience of motherhood better than truth and so I feel the same about the future of young girls in America. There are many I know who were totally lost in the wake of the conservative pool of stupidity in the days of GWBush and his side’s abstinence education policies in American schools. There is an entire generation of kids who are completely misinformed about birth control and sex because of religion.
More and more I feel battered by having the feeling women were given erotic beauty for reproductive purposes – that selfish gene – and then, as though being whores weren’t enough, women were thrown into the immature flatlands of male needs where they were then expected to create synthesis. However, a bit of a power struggle later, women became those to not only seduce, but birth, nurture and support an entire family, if not society yet be given “jump for the carrot” freedom on body parts – by the very men they birthed! How did America come to be like this? If American politics continue to enter the domain of a female’s sex life, America has little to offer women of the next generation.
I’m drained from realizing Congress is really a bunch of men who can’t get their heads out of the female genitalia. If they don’t pay to get in one they pay for others to stay out of one! For the men who are playing around with this issue, women are only a piece of ass and little more, except maybe for their little girls who are a piece of ass for the boy next door. For women who support recent attacks on female rights in the name of being faithful to a God, I have no words, only disgust.
Reproductive rights, the womb, women’s health – all of it has to do with the absolute power this birth right gives to women; and patriarchy has never been stronger in modern America! As an American I am so appalled at this downfall of this great nation – that the womb and its ownership, the vagina and a woman’s health are on the table of political discussion rather than the real issues that need immediate attention, it all makes me want to throw up on Congress.
The bottom line to all this rhetoric is this: women have the power to veto men through sex and men don’t like that. Thank you Dr. Leonard Shlain for helping me understand this through your wonderful work, Sex, Time and Power (may you rest in peace) but how about a little help down here with the rest of the blind folks, eh?
The last time I checked, my kidney belonged to me and nobody could force me to do anything specific with it. The main reason the womb is different is because it controls males’ sex lives. The fact that women are under attack, in America, in 2012 stuns me.
Here’s my contribution to the debate: “Feminist War of 2012”. I designed this back in 2007 or so and struggled with a proper title. The Image just found its perfect match and almost sadly, its perfect time.

Speaking of controlling women, this is an example of how women get screwed by men and the baby fantasy and how media uses them to make money to help glorify the chaos and continue the cycle. See Kate Gosselin, mother of 8 now.
Great post and kick ass quote: The Body Politic, “This campaign needs more women and less gynecology” – Virginia Heffernan