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An Activist Law Firm

George Carlin Dead

I refuse to say he “passed away.” He would have hated that.

The world is just that much less honest, funny, and free today. Naturally, Carlin was an inspiration to me, and I hope that his material continues to influence young minds for all time.

Here is George on “soft language.”


Speaking of soft language, this is anything but. The routine that led us to FCC v. Pacifica.


And finally, George’s take on where he went once he died — certainly not to any afterlife!


No “rest in peace” here… just keep on doing what you’ve been doing, George. From all of us, thank you.

No, that was lame. Here’s what I have to say about George Carlin dying: Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits.