An Activist Law Firm

"His penis was left bruised and swollen but otherwise unharmed."


Apparently, the guy stuck his dick in a metal pipe and then became “aroused,” thus making it impossible to remove his penis from the metal orifice.

The firefighters used the four-and-a-half-inch grinder to cut the pipe from around the man’s penis and it took about 30 minutes.

The patient was given an anaesthetic and his penis was left bruised and swollen but otherwise unharmed.

1) How the hell did he get so turned on by sticking his dick in a metal pipe? I mean, was the pipe that hot?

2) Saying that a penis is “bruised and swollen, but otherwise unharmed” is like saying “aside from the brouhaha in the balcony, the troupe’s rendition of Our American Cousin was hilarious.” I bet the author was a women’s studies major who hates her father. No other possible explanation.

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