An Activist Law Firm

Constantin Film Produktion GmbH makes movie about Hitler and then turns into a bunch of Nazis

If you haven’t seen a Downfall spoof, or you don’t know what I am talking about, you are not meme-educated enough to keep reading. Go to YouTube, and search for “Hitler” and “Downfall.” Watch a few videos and come back.

For the rest of you, come over this way… I got the greatest Downfall video ever. Yeah, right here!

It seems that the producers of Downfall, Constantin Film Produktion GmbH., have been sending DMCA notices to YouTube to get them taken down. SIE SIND ASSHATTEN!!!

These notices should be responded to with a 512(f) suit, as these videos are fair use (and even a moron in a hurry would know that). Not only that, they are great marketing for the original film… as Mr. Hitler seems to have figured out….


Of course, here is one where Hitler is actually sending out the DMCA Notices. Maybe this one is the most awesome one ever.


Thilo, if you’re reading, will you write something to the producers in German in terms they can understand? Seriously, Constantin Film Produktion GmbH. has been getting every Downfall spoof taken off of Youtube. WTF is with you people?

H/T Coleman

Oh, and for the record, “Hitler finds out that Santa isn’t real” is the funniest Downfall spoof ever.

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