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An Activist Law Firm

The Legal Satyricon Hits the Road

Three Satyricon correspondents are taking bar exams in the coming days.  Wish them luck, or at least neutrality.  If you’re fortunate enough to be in one of the following cities, let us know in the comments.

Christopher Harbin – Buffalo, New York (a/k/a Legal Satyricon on Ice).  Chris will be taking the New York bar exam in the Buffalo Convention Center.  Afterward, he plans on taking in an unseasonable blizzard as well as the sights and smells of urban decay.

Jason Fischer – San Diego, California.  Jason will be taking the three-day California bar exam in sunny San Diego, despite being a licensed attorney in Florida.  As Bill Carradine once said, “this is me at my most…masochistic.”  During this time, he will contemplate whether he prefers the view of the Pacific ocean to his view of the Atlantic in Miami.

Jay DeVoy – Las Vegas, Nevada.  Though licensed to practice law in Wisconsin, Jay will be taking the Nevada bar exam.  Following the exam, he will probably eschew the city’s temptations to drink wine and watch films such as The Devil’s Rejects and Return of the Living Dead, holding an audience with anyone who wishes to join.

But whatever the exam, and wherever its location, we give it the same rating: