An Activist Law Firm

I Challenge Andrew Contiguglia

My good friend and fellow blawgger, Andrew Contiguglia is based in Denver. (Yeah, you see where this is going…)

He had the audacity to send me an instant message this morning predicting the Rockies will win the Series in six games.

I hereby throw down the gauntlet and throw out the following wager:

If the Rockies win the Series: (heh, don’t make me laugh)

  1. Mr. Contiguglia will mail me a Colorado Rockies T-Shirt
  2. I will wear said T-Shirt for an entire day, and take a photograph of myself wearing said T-Shirt
  3. I will post said photo on this blog
  4. He may, if he likes, post said photo on his blog.

WHEN the Red Sox win the Series:

  1. I will mail Mr. Contiguglia a Red Sox T-Shirt
  2. He will wear said T-Shirt for an entire day, and take a photograph of himself wearing said T-Shirt
  3. He will post said photo on his blog
  4. I will post said photo on my blog with great joy

What do you say Contiguglia? You man enough to take the challenge?

Thats right… this is the Sox on top of the Rockies!


Photoshopping done by Dan Proto of Centerville, MA (posted without permission).

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