An Activist Law Firm

Jello Wrestling Suit Tossed

Blogonaut reports that New York University junior Avram Wisnia organized a dorm party that included a jello wrestling ring.

Wisnia fell down and broke his hip.

But instead of attributing the incident to his own poor judgment he sued NYU for a cool million for not stopping him from holding the event and for allowing the school’s food service provide the gelatin. (source)

The judge agreed that Mr. Wisnia assumed the risk of injury. His decision is here.

Mr. Wisnia needs to put down the books and listen to some Wolftown records.

If your gonna be dumb, you better be tough.
If you don’t use your head son, your life’s gonna to be rough.
You don’t have to be an Einstein
To know when muscles ain’t enough.
If your gonna to be dumb, helps to be young
But you better be tough (source)

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