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An Activist Law Firm

Job Posting – Transactional Lawyer Needed

We are known for our First Amendment advocacy, but that’s not all we do.  We have a lot of business needs for our clients.  However, we are not (nor will we ever be) a “form churning farm.”  Businesses and individuals come to us because they need creative solutions to problems, and out of the box thinking for how to prevent them.

A lot of our clients come to us after speaking to a number of other lawyers, all of whom say “I just don’t know how to handle this.”  We’ve represented Nevada brothel operations to national religious organizations, journalism start ups, and big companies (that we can’t disclose) on major issues that nobody else felt comfortable handling.  You might do an adult entertainment business structuring with §2257 compliance one day, and the next day be working on an international intellectual property rights transfer agreement.

We have close relationships with French, Italian, and Kosovo law firms, and an international network that ranges through Brazil, the Philippines, Kenya, and dozens of other countries – and our international colleagues call upon us often to work with them.  You do not need to be fluent in another language to do our work, but you do need cross-cultural competency.  In other words, at least learn how to say “thank you” in our colleagues’ language before your call, and maybe understand that law is about relationships as much as it is about drafting.

Laypeople think that transactional lawyers don’t have the same “in the trenches” excitement as First Amendment litigators, but if you’re real transactional star, you know that’s bullshit.  When you get a problem thrown at you, and someone says “paper this deal,” you get excited.  When there’s a bankers box of documents in front of you (okay, dating myself – a big dropbox file) and you have to figure out how to plan for every contingency, you get a rush out of it.  Building a series of LLCs so that intellectual property assets are separate from other assets, while managing complicated employment situations?  Sound fun?

If this sounds fun, reach out to Marc Randazza.  Experience would be nice, but we can teach you what you need to kn0w.  Location is flexible.  It would be great if we could see you in Gloucester, Las Vegas, Tampa, or Hartford.  But, this can be a remote job, too, if you are the right person.