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An Activist Law Firm

Larry Flynt offers Carl Paladino a jerb

By J. DeVoy

I’ve previously discussed Carl Paladino and his infamous e-mails.  Hustler’s Larry Flynt recently reviewed them as well and decided to weigh in:

“Mr. Paladino has proven throughout his career that he knows how to monetize his interests and his pension for pornography should be no different,” Flynt said in a release, according to Politico . He went on to explain the logic of his offer, “It’s clear he’s better suited to join our team than be the Governor of the State of New York.” (source.)

Flynt paired his comments to Paladino with an offer to be an executive editor with Hustler.  It seems like a better gig than being the Governor of New York State.  Between this and Vivid’s recent offer to Octomom, it seems like porn is one of the few sectors doing much hiring.