Shawn McBreairty is an educational advocate and journalist who resides in Hampden, Maine. Hermon School District brought a claim for declaratory and injunctive relief claiming that Mr. McBreairty engaged in bullying and harassing behavior toward Mallory Cook, a Hermon School Department employee, and that such conduct violates Hermon School Department Board policy and state law. Mr. McBreairty filed an Anti-SLAPP Motion. The motion remains pending
DOCS - Penobscot:
Shawn McBreairty was temporarily banned from attending RSU22 School Committee meetings and from attending any RSU22 school related meeting or function in-person and online for his “blatant” and repeated failure to comply with reasonable RSU22 policies regarding meeting attendance.” Mr. McBreairty was addressing the sexual nature of books available in the public library, including quoting from them during school committee meetings. An injunctive order was filed to enjoin the Defendants from enforcing the no trespass order.