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TGP v. Maricopa

TGP v. Maricopa

Marc Randazza


Jay Wolman


Case Overview

In this case, Maricopa County had a strained relationship with The Gateway Pundit (TGP) and its reporter, Jordan Conrad, due to their prior reporting leading to the resignation of a Maricopa county official. During the 2022 election, Maricopa County instituted a “press pass” policy claiming it was to protect county officials. However, Maricopa used the vague guidelines to exclude TGP and Conradson, alleging they were “biased” and not “quality journalism.”

TGP and Conradson filed a lawsuit in the District of Arizona, seeking injunctive relief, but Judge Tuchi denied their request, stating that Maricopa’s actions were permissible under the First Amendment. TGP and Conradson then appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on an emergency basis, and the court immediately granted an injunction pending the outcome of the appeal, which was also expedited. Several First Amendment and media organizations filed amicus briefs in support of TGP and Conradson. The Ninth Circuit held that “finding that “permitting ‘truth’ to be determined by the County violates our foundational notions of a free press.”

Maricopa County appealed the injunction to the Ninth Circuit, but TGP and Conradson succeeded in getting the appeal dismissed, leaving the injunction in place.