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An Activist Law Firm

More Police Brutality – Charlotte Marshall Jones

Just when I thought that Officer “Rod Farva” Rivieri was the sleaziest cop on the beat, I see this video of an incident a lot closer to home. Hillsborough County

Deputy Charlotte Marshall Jones somehow got it in her head that it was acceptable behavior to dump a paraplegic quadraplegic, Brian Sterner, out of his wheelchair and on to the floor like some kind of animal.


HT to Jon Katz.

Watch the expression of the scumbag who laughs at the incident.

There is something positive in this story. Hillsborough County Sheriff David Gee is not spouting the same old lines. Most of the time, when you see a video of clear police misconduct, you then hear “well, you didn’t see what happened right before the tape began rolling.”

Sheriff Gee has, so far, handled this incident with an inspiring degree of class, tact, and grace. You can see in the video that he is truly horrified at Marshall Jones’ behavior.

Sheriff David Gee issued a personal apology to Sterner and went on to say, “I am personally embarrassed and shocked by the horrific treatment Mr. Sterner received. I cannot and will not even try to offer an explanation for what is seen on the video.”(source)

That is a good start, and Sheriff Gee deserves praise for being so contrite. Sterner wants a little more though — he wants Deputy Marshall Jones prosecuted for battery.

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