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Daniel Inouye

If you were a member of the 442nd in World War II, you were per se a bad ass. Daniel Inouye, super bad ass. He pulls the pin on a

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Deadspin Weighs in on Raanan Katz Suit

As some of you remember, Raanan Katz sued Google and others for copyright infringement this summer over a Blogger user’s publication of an “unflattering” photograph of him.  Today, popular sports

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Dead Children…

The tragedy of innocent children dying violently at the hands of a complete stranger should make us all sad. And I am not talking about Newtown. I’m talking about Pakistan

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Mike Huckabee said: “We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools, should we be so surprised that schools would become

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We are doomed

If the Mayans were wrong, maybe we should make them right. Here’s why: [youtube=] A civilization that produces this does not deserve to make it to December 13.

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Killer Catfish!

Catfish, jumping out of the water to eat pigeons. [youtube=] Source

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