News & Media
High school drama students get lesson in homophobia, censorship
Students in the drama department of a Baltimore high school are fighting back after Hartford County School officials censored a scene from an upcoming production of “Almost, Maine.” The production, which is set to open on Nov. 10 at Bel Air High School, includes nine mini-dramas exploring falling in and out of love. The American Civil Liberties Union stepped in on behalf of the students when school officials took out a scene featuring two men professing their love. The students say they are still prepared to perform the scene, called “They Fell.” The scene at the heat of the debate features a humorous discovery of mutual attraction that doesn’t include any references to sexual behavior, and is even less suggestive
Want to be on a Reality TV Show?
My sister is casting a new reality show, if you’re a married couple between the ages of 22 and 45, and you ” feel your marriage is suffering because your sex life has flat lined”, then my sister wants to talk to you. The award winning producers of the hit ABC show, “Supernanny”, and Bravo’s “Bethenny Getting Married”, are casting a ground-breaking new docu-series for married couples who desperately need to spice-up their love life. We are seeking married couples nationwide, with dynamic personalities, who are very outgoing, attractive, and ready to tell their story. These couples will be compensated for their participation, but the real payoff will be a romantic bond with their partner that is better than ever
The Mark of Cain
Looks like Herman Cain is having a three way and not in the awesome sense. A third woman has reportedly come forward with an allegation that Mr. Cain acted inappropriately toward her. While I’m sure someday Mark might take a pro-sexual harassment case to the Supreme Court, arguing for the 1st Amendment right to be saucy, for now it is considered unlawful. A side note to political candidates: if you have a skeleton or three in your closet, reveal it yourself. It will come out and you want to control the message. Sexual harassment is a fascinating area of the law. Sometimes, and rarely, it is blatant quid pro quo, the old casting couch. Most times, it is something said
Marshals Ordered to Seize Righthaven Assets
Vegas Inc reports that the U.S. District Court of Nevada is ordering that Righthaven LLC pay $34,045.50 in legal fees to Randazza Legal Group. RLG attorneys wrote in the request: “Righthaven has exhausted any benefit of the doubt that it could be afforded, and it is time for it to pay the consequences for its actions — starting with Hoehn’s lawful judgment plus the accrued costs and fees expended in the (so far) futile attempts to compel Righthaven to take this court’s orders seriously.” Read More…
District Court Denies Motion to Dismiss on Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Claim
The Technology & Marketing Blog describes SkyVenture investor Marc Lurie’s reverse domain name hijacking claim against in Arizona Federal District Court. Lurie retained the Randazza Legal Group to assist him with his claim after he lost the domain name to AirFX LLC. The Arizona Federal Court recently declined the Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss: The court declines to dismiss Lurie’s reverse hijacking claim. As the court notes, a reverse hijacking claim was provided in the statute to address the situation where a trademark owner “overreaches” when exercising the trademark owner’s ACPA rights. Read More …
Ashley Madison again sets the bar for online dating
By J. DeVoy I’ve discussed Ashley Madison on two prior occasions. By all appearances, it’s a a dating service people actually use, and it has money to throw around. For the uninitiated, Ashley Madison is a paid dating website that pairs married men with married women, so that they may cheat on their respective spouses with one another under the safety umbrella of mutually assured marital destruction. Unsurprisingly, it was started by a former lawyer. Kudos to you, good sir. The stroke of brilliance that led to Ashley Madison’s success is now evident in its marketing. A recent advertisement that has the whiners at Jezebel all up in a huff shows a corpulent woman in revealing clothing, asking “did your
Occupy Wall Street Has Something for Everyone
Politics, economic debate, and now hot chicks. And incredible bad asses: [youtube=!] And even judges with some balls (ok, this was in Nashville) [youtube=!]
Vaginal Obsession – TSA, you're doing it wrong
If you had to create a chart of the things I like and the things I don’t like, vaginas and the TSA would clearly be at opposite ends. The vagina is truly a wonderful thing, when properly cared for. Your mileage may vary depending on diet, grooming, genetics, and a host of other factors. But, in general, vaginas are a wonderful thing. The TSA is not a vagina. It is not even vagina like. Even though it is run by a bunch of twats, it can’t even get close to being in the vagina zone when it comes to coolness. I’ve never hidden my hatred for the TSA. When I go through security, I always opt for the pat-down, and
Getting Sued for Being Mean
Unlike Lance Armstrong, Michael O’Connell also has a neck scar. (source) His coworkers decided it would be jolly good fun to call him “uni-ball” and “cut-throat”. Apparently, Mr. O’Connell had a problem with that. He already had some form of anxiety disorder, so he claimed he was being harassed and somehow that implicated his disability. He was subsequently canned. Forgetting that filing a lawsuit would mean that the public would now be apprised of his deeply personal loss, Mr. O’Connell decided to sue his former employer for discrimination, IIED, and retaliation. Judge is allowing the IIED claim and retaliation claim to stand. (Decision) The retaliation claim is one of my favorites: Judge found the guy didn’t properly prosecute the discrimination
Fisker Cars to be built in Finland, after taking a $529 million U.S. government backed loan
And the imbeciles are not happy. Fisker says that he could not find a plant in the U.S. to assemble his new flagship vehicle, so he went to Finland to build the car — creating 500 jobs in Finland. (source) Fisker says that once the $97,000 Fisker Karma takes hold, it will help move his plan for a lower cost sedan, which he plans to build in Delaware. What nobody is yelling about is why he couldn’t find a facility in the United States that was ready to go. We let most of our plants go to pot, our work-force is uneducated and lazy, and it costs more to employ an American than even a Finn — even though you
Defense attorneys hit Righthaven lawyer with sanctions motion
Vegas Inc details Randazza Legal Group’s latest attempt to seek sanctions against Righthaven after judges found it lacked standing in several copyright infringement cases. Vegas Inc reports: As Randazza Legal Group awaits word on the Hoehn fees or bond and prepares for another likely showdown over fees in its Righthaven cases in Colorado, the firm asked Jones on Tuesday to sanction Mangano by requiring him to pay $11,925 in NewsBlaze’s attorney’s fees that have accumulated since July 14. Read More…
Yay Democracy!!! Oh, um… oh… err…
Oh, um… oh shit… not THAT kind of Democracy… Tunisians revolt to throw off a repressive regime, and vote in an Islamist regime.
Sometimes the Internets are really mean…
And sometimes, they are a wellspring of awesome sweetness. See this reddit thread. Jesus fuck. I really did not want my faith in humanity restored today. Tough shit for me, I guess. H/T: Ken @ Popehat
Happy Halloweenie!
Up next from the “Chrissakes will you lighten up” department: It takes a special group of people to try to ruin Halloween. A handful of college students in Ohio (who have likely never had sex with a partner) are protesting certain Halloween costumes. Source. Their “I’m a culture, not a costume” ad campaign has a sufficiently forlorn looking collection of ethnically diverse students next to Halloween costumes that portray their particular ethnic background while holding a sign that says“This is not who I am and this is NOT OKAY”. There’s an asian chick in front of a geisha costume, a middle eastern guy in front of a terrorist costume, a latino guy in front of a pistolero costume- you get
Amazing Hooker Shape Shifts Into a Donkey!
We’ve all woken up in the morning with someone and thought “jesus, she looked a lot better in the dim lights and through the beer goggles.” The usual result? An uncomfortable bit of silence, an “I’ll call you later,” which never happens, and your buddies make fun of you a bit the next day. Therefore, we can all identify with poor Sunday Moyo. Well, maybe not entirely. Sunday Moyo, 28, was found by police officers performing a sex act on the donkey, who was lying on the ground tied to a tree, just after 4:00am local time, a court in Zvishavane, about 185 miles (300 kilometers) south of the capital Harare, heard. (source) Don’t judge. Not yet. When he was
Nazi-named Kids Taken From Parents
Heath and Deborah Campbell named their kids Adolf Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. They drew national attention when they asked a New Jersey ShopRite to prepare a swastika birthday cake. This, naturally, prompted the state to consider whether the Campbells were fit parents. An appeals court today held that they should not regain custody of their children. (source) No love for nazis around here, and I certainly do not think that reproduction should be a right. The Campbells, pretty clearly by my standards, would be good candidates for forced sterilization. Not because of their political views, but just because the world population has now hit 7 billion, and the vast majority of them are incredibly stupid and
The First Amendment is for Christians Only
Oh Flori-duh, you never fail to amuse. Clay County Pastor, Ron Baker of Russell Baptist Church in Green Cover Springs, FL holds weekly prayer sessions near the Clay Hill Elementary school’s flagpole. To make sure that everyone knows about it, the school principal, LArry Davis put out a newsletter supporting the prayer meetings. (source) That’s a no-brainer violation of the First Amendment. But principal Davis has a way around that. In his newsletter announcing the meetings, he wrote: “Pastor Steven Andrew states: ‘Our children need God back in schools,’ and he is calling Christians nationwide to bring back the Holy Bible and Christian prayer to schools … The First Amendment was for Christianity, not other religions.” (source) Davis told the
PETA must be trolling us
Now I am convinced that PETA must be the most well-organized practical joke in the world. They are suing Sea World for violating the 13th Amendment. The theory? Keeping killer whales in captivity is slavery. (source) If this files, I’m bringing a THIRD Amendment complaint against the U.S. Government. After all, they quarter troops in the homes of squirrels, bears, and owls every time they set up camp in the woods. Ordinances that tell worthless trash fuckheads that their dogs need to shut the fuck up? That there must be a violation of the dog’s First Amendment rights. PETA’s campaign to spay and neuter pets? If animals have constitutional rights, then that campaign starts sounding an awful lot like something
Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum
By Jay Wolman As the newest Satyriconista, with a practice of civil litigation and employment law in Boston, I thought I’d begin my first post with something high-brow. Everything sounds better in Latin. This was St. Augustine’s way of saying “Hate the player, not the game”. Fast forward 1500 years and the message remains relevant. David Madden, the now former mayor of Weymouth, Massachusetts, a small town about a half hour south of Boston, is the player. The public sector pension system is the game. He is getting a lot of flack for manipulating the system to his benefit. Unlike most private sector pensions (union pensions excluded), public sector pension benefits in many jurisdictions, including Massachusetts, are not determined solely by