An Activist Law Firm

OK, Sandra Fluke might have a valid claim against Rush Limbaugh after all

Well, if she lived in Zimbabwe, that is. There, a 17 year old boy has been sentenced to caning for calling a woman a “prostitute.” The charge, “criminal insult.” (source)

Under Chapter II, Part V of the Zimbabwean Criminal Law Act, a speaker can be criminally punished for such insults.

95 Criminal insult
(1) Any person who, by words or conduct
(a) seriously impairs the dignity of another person; or
(b) seriously invades the privacy of another person;
shall be guilty of criminal insult if he or she intended his or her words or conduct to have an effect referred to in
paragraph (a) or (b) or if he or she realised that there was a real risk or possibility that his or her words or conduct
might have such an effect, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding level six or imprisonment for a period not
exceeding one year or both.

(2) In deciding whether an impairment of dignity or invasion of privacy is sufficiently serious to constitute
the crime of criminal insult, a court shall take into account the following factors in addition to any others that are
relevant in the particular case
(a) the nature of the words or conduct;
(b) the extent to which the words were repeated or the conduct was persisted in, as the case may be;
(c) the age and sex of the person whose dignity was impaired or privacy was invaded;(d) any previous relationship between the parties;
(e) the degree of offence caused to the person whose dignity was impaired or privacy was invaded by the
words or conduct.
(3) In order to establish a charge of criminal insult based upon an impairment of dignity, it shall be necessary
to prove that the complainant felt insulted or degraded as a result of the words or conduct that form the subject of
the charge: (source)

You can read the rest of Part V for the defenses.

And if you keep reading, Part VI of the Criminal Code deals with the important issue of Witchcraft.

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