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An Activist Law Firm

PC Attacks Again

Honestly, I hate the stupid hillbillies that run this country so much that it makes my veins boil….

But every once and a while, something (cough, AutoAdmit case) reminds me of the horror that we would have to endure if we took “educated” and “enlightened” liberals and put them in power.

Keith John Sampson is a janitor at Indiana University. The man decided to read a book (gasp) on campus. For reading this book, he was brought up on charges of racial harassment. Wanna know what the book was?

Mein Kampf?


The Turner Diaries?

Guess again…

Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan

Let me repeat that:

Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan

Then a Ms. Nakea Vincent whined about it…

Then Sampson received a letter, dated Nov. 25, 2007, from Lillian Charleston, also of IUPUI’s Affirmative Action Office. The letter begins by saying that the AAO has completed its investigation of a coworker’s allegation that Sampson “racially harassed her by repeatedly reading the book Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan by Todd Tucker in the presence of Black employees.” It goes on to say, “You demonstrated disdain and insensitivity to your coworkers who repeatedly requested that you refrain from reading the book which has such an inflammatory and offensive topic in their presence … you used extremely poor judgment by insisting on openly reading the book related to a historically and racially abhorrent subject in the presence of your Black coworkers.” Charleston went on to say that according to “the legal ‘reasonable person standard,’ a majority of adults are aware of and understand how repugnant the KKK is to African-Americans …” (source)

Yes, reading a book about the Klan being defeated is racial harassment now…

Nakea Vincent and Lillian Charleston, come on down and get your joint ass-hat award. (Sorry, you need to share).

Frankly, even if Mr. Sampson was reading Mein Kampf, I was under the impression that we still live in a free country and that was his god-given fucking right.

HT to Classically Liberal.