by Christopher Harbin
For those who haven’t kept up, here’s a recap of this story:
1. Apple engineer loses his iPhone in a bar.
2. Some dude picks it up and contacts technology blog Gizmodo.
3. Gizmodo buys it off some dude and runs a story.
4. Gizmodo editor’s house gets raided by the fuzz.
And here’s a preemptive strike at people who say “but he’s possibly trafficking in stolen property.” Fuck you. I hope you die in a fire. It’s a friggin’ iPhone. If Apple can’t manage its trade secrets correctly, fuck em’.
Seriously, it’s a fucking iphone that was lost in a bar — is this really worth raiding a journalist’s home over? Isn’t there a better PR way of handling this rather than breaking down somebody’s door?
But the real question is — will Marc still keep his love of Macs after Apple becomes the Fourth Reich?