Employment Law

The workweek occupies a substantial part of everyone’s life. Employees need jobs to pay for necessities and the niceties of life. Employers need workers to make the goods and perform the services to keep the business running and profitable. While this is usually a symbiotic relationship, it also fosters the greatest potential for interpersonal conflict outside of the home.
The legal framework governing the employer-employee relationship is a complex one. There are overlapping, and sometimes conflicting, state and Federal laws enshrining the rights and obligations of employers and employees. A particular dispute might need to be prosecuted or defended in multiple agencies and courts all at the same time, and the legal framework is continually changing, with political appointees routinely reversing rules their predecessors laid down.
Some law firms commit themselves to representing only employers and others only represent employees. We see no reason to discriminate. The same experience and insight that enables us to counsel employers to avoid problems and defend them when one arises equally helps us recognize when employees have been wronged or when they need someone to help them move past a difficult situation. Whether it is a dispute over wages and hours, protected class discrimination (age, race, gender. disability, religion, etc.), or collective action (in both union and non-union settings), we can work with you to negotiate a satisfactory resolution or fight tooth and nail for the best possible outcome.
“The quality of employees will be directly proportional to the quality of life you maintain for them.”
— Charles E. Bryan, President and General Chairman of the Machinists’ Union at Eastern Airlines —