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An Activist Law Firm

Pray for Denial – FCC Petitions for Cert.

USA Today Reports that the FCC has petitioned the Supreme Court for review of Fox v. FCC (prior post here).

…FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, a longtime supporter of President Bush, stepped up government vigilance on indecency. “As the broadcast networks become ‘edgier’ to compete with cable,” he testified before the Senate in November 2005, shortly after he became chairman, “prime time on broadcast television has become less family-friendly.”

I’m really sick of people like Kevin Martin co-opting the word “family” as code for “those who agree with me on censorship issues.”

My family can handle fleeting expletives, racy content, and sexual expression. When we don’t want to watch it, we turn off the TV. My family believes in the Constitution. My family can think for itself without Kevin Martin telling us what is “decent” and what is “indecent.”

Senator Craig, Jimmy Swagart, Mark Foley, Bob Allen, Jim Bakker, Bob Barr, and Ted Haggard all touted their “family values” cred. Look at them. If their “values” are “family,” then I’d rather have been created in a lab.

Freedom is a family value