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An Activist Law Firm

Marc Randazza’s Arbitration Win Over Glenn Beck

Free Speech Wins Again.

The Decision is available here:
Glenn Beck v. Isaac Eiland Hall, WIPO Case No. D2009-1182

Other case documents available here:

Request for Stipulation
Response and annexes.
Supplemental Filing

I am delighted that I got this decision today, which is the birthday of my friend and mentor, Larry Walters. Larry, this win is hereby dedicated to you. Happy Birthday.

UPDATE: Respondent Isaac Eiland-Hall voluntarily gives Beck the domain, saying “point made, sir.”

Another Update: The Brown Tweed Society does a three part story on the case. In this discussion, the author really gets to the heart of the matter and provides strong analysis of the case and its pleadings. Heck, the BTS also criticizes some of my work, so it does not seem at all biased.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3