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An Activist Law Firm

Robin Hayes – Losing the Election for McPalin, One Crowd of Peckerwoods at a Time

Oh, someone had a tape recorder? Quick, look over there!  Queers!  Terrorists!  Arabs!  Socialism!  Arugula!
Oh, someone had a tape recorder? Quick, look over there! Queers! Terrorists! Arabs! Socialism! Arugula!
On Saturday, Republican Rep. Robin Hayes claimed that “liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God.” (source)

After that, Hayes’ spokeswoman claimed that Hayes “absolutely” denied making that comment. “She noted that other national reporters were at the event and didn’t pick up on [the remark].” (source)

Ooopsie. It turns out that the reporter who broke the story wasn’t on the national media plane, so he was there before the “liberal media” got there. (source)

Double oopsie – someone recorded the remarks: Click here to listen.

Yes, in addition to saying that liberals “hate America,” he offered this wisdom:

Sarah Palin, she’s a lady that knows how to git ‘er done. She’s been in Alaska and she got ‘er did.

I would like to offer a big Legal Satyricon go fuck yourself to Rep. Hayes and everyone and anyone who ever voted for him. Mr. Hayes, you are the asshat of the week.

UPDATE: It looks like the recording forced him to admit that he said it after all. (source)

Got ‘er did, indeed.