After that, Hayes’ spokeswoman claimed that Hayes “absolutely” denied making that comment. “She noted that other national reporters were at the event and didn’t pick up on [the remark].” (source)
Ooopsie. It turns out that the reporter who broke the story wasn’t on the national media plane, so he was there before the “liberal media” got there. (source)
Double oopsie – someone recorded the remarks: Click here to listen.
Yes, in addition to saying that liberals “hate America,” he offered this wisdom:
Sarah Palin, she’s a lady that knows how to git ‘er done. She’s been in Alaska and she got ‘er did.
I would like to offer a big Legal Satyricon go fuck yourself to Rep. Hayes and everyone and anyone who ever voted for him. Mr. Hayes, you are the asshat of the week.
UPDATE: It looks like the recording forced him to admit that he said it after all. (source)
Got ‘er did, indeed.