An Activist Law Firm

Senate Bill 444 – Now With Video!

In Nevada, Senate Bill 444 stands to repeal all the effectiveness of the Nevada Anti-SLAPP Law.

If you’ve read this blog at all in the past two weeks, you know that I have been a small part of the chorus of voices that rose up against this ignoble and unethical bill.

Last Friday, I testified at the Assembly Judiciary Committee hearing on the bill in Carson City. I’m happy to report that, if the mood in the room is any indication, that the Assembly members are siding with the Constitution, Freedom of Expression, Economic Development, and Liberty.

My Testimony


And this is the guy pushing to gut Nevada’s Anti-SLAPP law.


How you can help stop SB444.

1. Go to this page.

2. Enter “SB444” without any spaces or use the drop down menu and scroll aa.

3. Click the “Get Bill Information” button.

Make sure you comment on SB444 (not AB) and choose the April 14 version from the drop down menu.
Make sure you comment on SB444 (not AB) and choose the April 14 version from the drop down menu.

4. Type in your comments.

5. Enter your name and address, which is kept confidential.

6. Click submit.

What if you don’t want to post a comment using your real address?

No problem.

You can signal boost this article or any other articles on Twitter under the #SB444 or #StopSB444 hash tags.

Click here to go to Twitter to signal boost articles opposing censorship.

Even better – write to your assembly member


1. Find out who your assembly member is by using this interactive map.

2. Or look here – if you already know.

3. Write them an email or a letter about how you feel toward SB444

4. Even though this bill is through the Senate already, it can’t hurt to send a letter to your Senator too. They are listed here.

Why write to your senator, when the bill already passed the Senate? Because it might pass the Assembly in an amended form. If that happens, it goes back to the Senate. The Senators were not informed when they passed this the first time around. You can help inform them this time.

(If you want the full testimony, without the commentary, it is available here)

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