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An Activist Law Firm

Sex offender wins the lottery

I’ve argued that if you go to jail, you should get a bill for that stay, payable from any windfall profit you may get in the future, lottery winnings, or tort awards.

Here’s proof that this is a good idea:

According to the Corrections Department’s offender profile, [Fred] Topous pleaded guilty to breaking and entering charges in 1984 and 1988 and to assault with intent to commit sexual penetration in 1999. In the latter case, Topous was charged with having sex with a 13-year-old girl, USA Today reported. (source)

And in your Beavis & Butthead moment of the day, from the same story:

The Michigan Lottery told Grand Rapids television station WOOD that anyone can play the lottery except those under 18 and those who work for the agency.

Yes, the radio station’s call letters are WOOD.

HT to 12XU