An Activist Law Firm

The Real McCain

Under this "Maverick" mask lies a treacherous SLEESTAK!
Under this 'Maverick' mask lies a treacherous SLEESTAK!
Another brilliant post from Andrew Sullivan:

As for McCain, we have seen how he deals with what were once his principles. Balancing the budget? He caved to Bush’s tax cuts and proposes to increase the deficit more than a liberal Democrat in his first term. Torture? He agreed to the 2006 Military Commissions Act, thereby legalizing the very torture techniques that were once used against him. Climate change? He picked a veep who doesn’t believe it’s man-made. When people talk about this man’s honor, they need to grapple with these facts. If McCain is prepared to authorize the torture of other human beings, to do to others what was once done to him in order to help Karl Rove’s 2006 election strategy, there is nothing deep down inside him but a desire for power, no line he won’t cross.

My view is that McCain has shown his character in this campaign: it’s vicious, petty, lazy, reckless, vain and dishonorable. Campaigns do that. They reveal who someone really is.

Read the whole post here.

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