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An Activist Law Firm

The USPTO Loves the Constitution!

USPTO Secretary Guitierrez seems to have a good grasp of the importance and beauty of our most cherished document, the U.S. Constitution. Consider this recent release:

Secretary Gutierrez recently announced Constitution Day, September 17, to celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution, and to promote public understanding and appreciation for the Constitution, its history, and its contemporary relevance.

We have compiled a listing of informational resources on the U.S. Constitution. These resources explain Constitution Day, summarize the Constitution by article and amendment, address Constitutional rights and responsibilities, provide questions and answers pertaining to the Constitution, announce activities for celebrating Constitution Day, and provide agencies resources to support training of their employees on the U.S. Constitution.

These resources provide a wealth of informative material. We invite you to join Secretary Gutierrez in visiting the following sites to learn more about how this historical document embodies the principles on which America was founded.

I certainly hope that this word trickles down to the (few) examining attorneys and (few) TTAB judges who seem to think that the First Amendment is of no importance when issuing decisions under Section 2(a).