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An Activist Law Firm

The Blog Loot!

Zac Papantoniou's Blog Loot!
Zac Papantoniou’s Blog Loot!

Editorial and Comments by Zac “Rediculous” Papantoniou

The “Blog Loot” is a new, weekly post, here on the Legal Satyricon. Essentially, it’s showing a little love to the blogs that make up our list of “Recommended Blogs” by running around to our favorite blogs and looting them of some of their more interesting recent content.

1. Someone call Gil Grissom… Maryland criminal defense attorney/blawger Jon Katz, of the Underdog Blog, asks (and attempts to answer) an age-old question of law, ”Should fingerprint evidence be banned from court?”

[Props to the Underdog Blog]

2. A Jacksonville, FL, church attempted to redefine their “fire and brimstone” Sunday-sermon… “Members of Christ Church Anglican . . . gathered [last] Sunday for an unusual religious ceremony that involved torching X-rated old movies in a fire pit…”

[Props to Cary Wiggins, over at “Meeting the Sin Laws”]

3. A new look for the Pepsi brand, or just a clever way for the illiterate to understand which beverage they’re drinking? (Here’s a clue… look closely at the logos on the bottles)

[Props to Marty at The Trademark Blog]

4. I’m pretty certain this is what Ben Franklin was referring to when he wrote, “[T]hose who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

[Props to Andrew J. Contiguglia at Contiguglia’s Entertainment Law Blog]

5. Do plants feel pain? Ok, so it’s a little left of legal quandaries, but with all the seriousness going on over at the Legal Satyricon, somebody had to make a ridiculous post. Lucky for you, “ridiculous” is my middle name, because this post sounds like a topic best contemplated, when one is in a relaxed state of mind… Ann Althouse brought up the topic, for her readers, to ponder on a bit.

[Props to Ann Althouse at her blawg Althouse]