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An Activist Law Firm

This is Taking things a bit too Far

This just seems wrong…

MANATEE — A young man who posted a naked picture of his ex-girlfriend on her MySpace page will be sentenced to 30 days in the Manatee County jail, a circuit judge said today.

Anthony D. Rich, 19, pleaded no contest today to charges of child abuse and attempted child abuse — charges that were reduced from sex crimes. He was arrested earlier this year.

Rich, authorities said, did not have permission to post the picture on his his ex-girlfriend’s MySpace page. MySpace is a popular Web site for teens and young adults that allows users to share photos and post comments.

Prosecutors say the victim was 15 when the photo was taken. The girl consented to having the photograph taken, assistant state attorney Jeff Quisenberry said.

Rich is also expected to serve a year of house arrest and four years of probation. He was prosecuted as an adult. Circuit Judge Edward Nicholas will officially decide in October whether to make Rich a convicted felon. (source)

Andrew Contiguglia, a lawyer who has a specialty in these kinds of cases has an excellent legal analysis of this case here.