by Randazza

We really must be at the verge of tipping into Idiocracy.
It was once believed that you could spot a pedophile just by looking at him. This theory is now proven scientific fact. Now I’m not saying that I have evidence that TSA Administrator John Pistole is a practicing pedophile, but he certainly has never publicly denied it. He has the pedo-pale skin, the pedo smile, and the pedo voice. I was thinking that it might just be a coincidence.
And then… the TSA started feeling up children at the airport… saying it was making us “safe” from “the terrorists.”
Ummm …. really? Baby bombs?
And THEN… this comes out — that the TSA is now going to begin training its fucktard flunkies, most of whom totally look like convicted child rapists, to tell kids that feeling their tiny little genitals is “a game.” Yes, really.
“You try to make it as best you can for that child to come through. If you can come up with some kind of a game to play with a child, it makes it a lot easier,” said James Marchand, promising to make it part of TSA training. (source)
Are you fucking kidding me?
Given that the government is the largest child molestation organization in existence, even bigger than the Catholic Church, none of this ought to be much of a surprise.
“Some 12 percent of minors held in government custody are sexually abused, and in some facilities the rate reaches a stunning one in three children, says a report released Thursday by the Bureau of Justice Statistics,” reports Raw Story.
“The first-ever National Survey of Youth in Custody found that no less than 10 percent of the 26,550 juveniles being held in detention facilities in the US are abused by staff at the facility, while another 2.6 percent report abuse at the hands of other inmates.”
Of course, the fact that pedophiles seek out government jobs as an avenue of imposing their perversion on others makes perfect sense. Government jobs allow such monsters to express their control freak tendencies and abuse the innocent with virtual impunity. (source)
Do you need any more support for the position that the TSA is run by incompetents, has no justification for existence, and that quite honestly, anyone in one of those blue polyester shirts should be sterilized and then released into wildlife sanctuaries so that they can be hunted for sport?