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Vegas Inc. Reports on Randazza Legal Group maneuvers in Colorado Righthaven Cases

Vegas, Inc. writes about recent developments in the Colorado Righthaven cases, including a motion for preliminary injunction filed by Randazza Legal Group.

[A]ttorneys for Randazza Legal Group in Las Vegas asked Kane for a preliminary injunction barring Righthaven from disgorging assets until they receive their legal fees for representing another Righthaven/Denver Post defendant.

The attorneys represent Leland Wolf and the It Makes Sense Blog – the case in which Kane is expected to decide if Righthaven had standing to sue in 33 open cases in Colorado.

While Kane hasn’t ruled yet, Wolf’s attorneys are confident of a victory and are also confident Kane will order Righthaven to pay their fees.

“Righthaven’s tactics and activities to date – dilatory, bad faith ‘negotiations,’ and numerous misrepresentations to multiple courts across the country – make it quite likely (if not inevitable) that Righthaven will take steps to dissipate its assets or use other means to attempt to frustrate this court’s fee award and judgment entered against it,” Randazza attorneys said in their filing.

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