An Activist Law Firm

Virginia Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down – Meanwhile Kansas is Still a Shit Hole

The Kansas legislature is on track to pass a law that will legalize discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, under the guise of “religious freedom.”  (source)   Apparently, the local variety of worship for the Magic Space Zombie Jew (MSZJ) includes being a douchebag to your neighbors.  

One part of me wants to say “so what?” Kansas sucks. Let them pass this horrible law, and then let all the gay Kansans move to places that don’t suck. We have some nice homes for sale in our neighborhood. I think it would be nice if some gay Kansans moved in. Have you seen what happens to neighborhoods when the scary gay people move in? (hint, your property values do not go down).  Not that I want to go all positive-stereotyping either, apparently Asians don’t like that.  But, lets face it, “a gay family moved in next door” is not something realtors tell you in order to get you to put your house on the market.  

Of course, that kind of “free market cure” to discrimination isn’t realistic, and is no shelter to the few hundred gay people in Kansas who actually like that god-forsaken theocratic shit hole.

What really bugs me about this is that if MSZJ worshippers can discriminate against gays because of their “sincerely held religious beliefs” then why can’t gays discriminate against christians because of their “sincerely held gay beliefs?” I’d like to see San Francisco pass a measure to that extent — and then everyone cover your windows, because the shrill cries from flyover land will break every piece of glass in the civilized parts of the country.

On the positive front, a federal court in Norfolk, VA decided that maybe Virginia shouldn’t be remembered, yet again, as the place where ridiculous discrimination finally gave up.  (source) As most people know, Loving v. Virginia was the case that finally ended race-mixing laws.    

The Court finds Va. Const. Art. I, § 15-A, Va. Code §§ 20-45.2, 20-45.3, and any other Virginia law that bars same-sex marriage or prohibits Virginia’s recognition of lawful same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions unconstitutional. These laws deny Plaintiffs their rights to due process and equal protection guaranteed under the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution.


Was that really so fucking hard?  

Of course, the pessimist in me reads this and just wonders what idiotic theory Scalia, Alito, Thomas, and Roberts are cooking up to try and get Kennedy on their side, to reverse the tide sweeping over the nation.  

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