An Activist Law Firm


To celebrate the Legal Satyricon’s breaking of the 100,000 visit barrier, I offered to give a free copy of America’s War on Sex, by Dr. Marty Klein to the reader who submitted the best picture commemorating the occasion.

One of my most prized students, Kevin Wimberly of Orlando, Florida is now forever tarnished as the recipient of an award from The Legal Satyricon. (That should haunt him during his character and fitness examination)

Ladies and gentlemen… I do not think that anything can possibly top this. Divinely inspired. Here is the winning entry!

Randwell, by Kevin Wimberly

Note: I have sadly gotten an “I don’t get it” comment… oh, kids these days. This is so clever because it is a parody of a parody, which led to the case, which led to the film, which inspired me to become a First Amendment attorney.

Second Prize goes to A.L. of Tallahassee, Florida for this dual tribute to the Colbert Report and to the Legal Satyricon. (she gets a copy of America’s War on Sex as well).

On Notice

And since everyone’s a winner at Nixon Peabody and at the Legal Satyricon, the next eight entries all get an honorable mention.

LS comicDisney SatyriconDrive in SatyriconkittehKitteh 2Church Sign satyriconMoransUp Ur Skirt

The remaining entries totally sucked, and they get nothing (and may god have mercy on their souls).

Now don’t lose heart! If you were planning to submit one anyhow, I have decided that I will do this for every “milestone.” So keep them coming you Satyriholics! (not to be confused with “cockaholics“) Just put in a momentous number (please, at least intervals of 25,000 at this point).

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