America’s wang just couldn’t deal with those unemployment kings and queens living large on their $275 per week for 26 weeks. The Flori-duh house just passed a bill that would cut state unemployment benefits to 20 weeks for a maximum payout of $5,500. (source)
Florida’s unemployment benefits are also among the least generous in the nation. Florida’s maximum weekly check of $275 ranks 45th among the 50 states and is less than half the amount paid in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Jersey.
The bill passed 81 to 38, largely along party lines. Republicans, who have vowed to make Florida more friendly to business, hold large majorities in both the Florida House and Senate. The Senate is working on similar legislation, which is favored by Gov. Rick Scott. (source)
Flori-duh drank the tea party kool aid. Now they get to taste it.