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An Activist Law Firm

Glossary Of Common Legal Terms

Adult Entertainment Business Law combines more than one of the following types of businesses including adult bookstores, adult motion picture theaters, adult mini-motion picture theaters, adult dancing establishments, adult personal service businesses, and adult novelty businesses. As with any other business, Adult Entertainment Businesses need tax advice, intellectual property protection and employment law advice.

Appeal means to make a request after a trial has ended. The request is made by a party that has lost the case and goes to a higher court for review to determine if the decision was correct. To make such a request is to appeal or to take an appeal. One who appeals is called the appellant; the other party is the appellee.

Civil Rights Law stands for peoples’ physical and mental integrity, life, and safety; protection from discrimination based on the following points – race, color, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, national origin, political affiliation, or disability. Individual rights are also protected. These include privacy and the freedoms of thought, religion, speech, press, assembly, and movement.

Defamation Law covers protection of individual reputation. This area of law is balancing two opposite interests: free speech and ruining someone’s life by telling lies about them.

The defendant is a term used in civil and criminal law. In civil law, it means the person who is sued, and in criminal law it describes the person who is accused of a crime.

Domain Name Law stands for all legal aspects connected with domain names registration and protection on the World Wide Web.

First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights. It consists of freedom of expression (regarding freedom of speech, press, assembly and demonstrating peacefully against the government) and no established religion.

Gaming & Gambling Law covers all set of rules and regulations in the gaming industry and their major differences. Gaming Law is not a traditional law branch and combines several areas including criminal law, constitutional law, administrative law, regulatory law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.

Intellectual Property Law stands for creations of the intellect. Intellectual property rights include trademarks, patents, copyright, industrial design rights, and in some jurisdictions trade secrets. Also artistic works like music and literature, as well as inventions, discoveries, words, phrases, symbols, and designs are protected by Intellectual Property Law.

Internet Law (also known as Cyberlaw) combines both digital information and software, and legal aspects of information technology. Internet Law protects all legal issues connected with the use of the Internet.

Lawsuit means a legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant. It is based on a complaint that the defendant was unable to perform a legal duty which resulted in harm to the plaintiff.

Protection Of Erotic Expression stands for erotic materials, pornography and other segments of the adult entertainment industry including live entertainment.

To sue somebody for damages means to bring civil action against an individual because that person caused you harm in some way.

To reach a verdict means to receive a decision from jury (in criminal court). In criminal court the juries are the ones to decide whether the person is innocent or guilty.