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An Activist Law Firm

Alex J. Shepard


Daphne Williams purchased a condo from a friend of hers, using real estate agent Charles “Randy” Lazer. Williams filed a complaint against Lazer with the Nevada Real Estate Division, alleging that he acted unprofessionally, unethically, and with discriminatory behavior. After the NRED initially found that Lazer had violated ethics standards, it later rescinded this decision.

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Vital Vegas v. Sahara

Scott Roeben, the owner of Vital Vegas blog, wrote an article about Sahara Las Vegas possibly facing financial difficulties during the pandemic. Roeben disclosed that the rumors were unverified, and he could be wrong. Sahara Las Vegas then sued Roeben for defamation. Roeben filed a special motion to dismiss under Nevada’s Anti-SLAPP statute and proved that his article was on a public issue and that he did not know of any false statements.

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DOE v. Fitzgerald

Defendant Daniel S. Fitzgerald, a.k.a. “Hollywood Homes,” is a sex trafficker who engaged in intimidation and harassment to conceal his actions and silence victims and witnesses. Fitzgerald, a co-conspirator in Peter Nygard’s sex trafficking enterprise, also had his own venture, victimizing the plaintiffs in this case.

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Spencer Cornelia operates a YouTube channel where he, among other things, examines various kinds of online lifestyle and moneymaking “gurus” who charge often huge amounts of money for a nebulous product. In late 2020, Cornelia received requests to do a video on financial “guru” Derek Moneyberg (real name Dale Buczkowski), who also had a reputation as a dating coach for the company Real Social Dynamics.

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